Prognostics and Health Management
Prognostics and Health Management
작성자 최고관리자
작성일 2023-12-08 18:00 조회 437회 댓글 0건
2023년 12월 6일~8일 3일간, 켄싱턴 호텔 평창에서 개최된 BrainLink X-Lab Day, PHM & Reliability Engineering for Fault Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance of Batteries and Manufacturing Equipments에 권대일 교수님과 연구실 인원들(이중언 박사과정, 이근일 석박통합과정)이 참석하였습니다. 권대일 교수님께서는 ‘Introduction to PHM and PdM’ 세션의 좌장 및 패널 토의에서 패널로 진행과 토의를 이끌어 주셨습니다.
On December 6~8, 2023, Professor Daeil Kwon and laboratory members (Ph.D student: Jungeon Lee; Combined Master/Ph.D student Geunil Lee) attended the BrainLink X-Lab Day, ‘PHM & Reliability Engineering for Fault Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance of Batteries and Manufacturing Equipments’, held in Kensington Hotel Pyeongchang. Professor Daeil Kwon led the proceedings and discussions as the chairperson of the session ‘Introduction to PHM and PdM’ and panel discussion of the session.
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